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Highgate Tottenham Hotspur
The Sunday Times Schools Guide 2021 - Sixth Form College of the Year

Life at LAET

LAE Tottenham provides a stimulating learning environment for academically aspirational young people. In order to best prepare students for top universities and employment beyond, life at LAE Tottenham encompasses a variety of elements, both related to academics and personal development. The key areas of life at LAE Tottenham are:

  1. An academically rigorous curriculum, with all students studying four hard or facilitating A Level courses in Year 12
  2. Weekly clubs and societies and opportunities for sport and exercise as part of the formal curriculum
  3. A focus on social responsibility through weekly community projects through the first two terms of Year 12

In addition to this, all students benefit from a full careers programme centred around  key strands, lecture programme with a range of speakers and an extensive PSHE programme, designed to help students’ personal development.

Pastorally, students are supported through tutors via heads of year, which provides them with a clear point of contact for pastoral issues. Students receive regular tutorials focused not only on preparation for higher education and employment but also in helping them to develop the personal skills for success. In addition to this, Deputy Heads of Year, a SENCO and Assistant SENCO, a Mental Health Lead, Academic Coaches and School Counsellors are available to ensure that LAE Tottenham offers a supportive learning atmosphere for all students.