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Proudly sponsored by

Highgate Tottenham Hotspur
The Sunday Times Schools Guide 2021 - Sixth Form College of the Year



Our goal is to ensure that the voice of LAET Alumni contributes to the key decisions made at LAET. We will provide opportunities for alumni to continually support their growth as confident, independent individuals.


Krysten Chantrelle

Alumni Support Lead & Chair of the Alumni Board

 Obi Onyido

Careers & Employability Lead

Jessica Austin

Director of External Relations


Mominah Ramzan (2023 Cohort) 

Board Member

My name is Mominah, and I left LAET in 2023. Currently, I am pursuing a four-year Biochemistry degree with an integrated Master's at the University of Oxford, studying at Lady Margaret Hall (LMH), whose focus on outreach and access work is in the Haringey borough. At Oxford, I actively contribute to the community as a student ambassador at LMH, the Social Media Manager for the Islamic Society's Access Page, and a Rueben Scholar. The support and education I received at LAET have equipped me with the confidence to explore new opportunities and expand my network. Having only recently left LAET, I am enthusiastic about the future and eager to see what lies ahead.

Carissa Alexander (2019 COHORT) 

Board Member
Andre Ediagbonya-Davies (2020 cOHORT) 

Alumni Offering Committee Chair

My name's Andre and I left LAET in 2020. At LAET, I studied History, Government & Politics, and History. I then pursued my History degree at the University of Cambridge and graduated in 2023. I've been serving as a board member since 2022, initially focusing on ways for alumni to give back to LAET. Currently, I lead the 'Offering' committee and work full-time at the school as the Digital Marketing and Multimedia Officer. I'm dedicated to making sure that the opportunities afforded to me by the school continue to benefit future students and that as the alumni community expands, it strengthens its bonds.


Alumni Board Chair

My name is Krysten, I left LAET in 2020. Whilst I was at LAET I studied History, Economics and Government & Politics for my A-levels. I also participated in many co-curricular activities like prefect, fundraisers and various academic events. After leaving LAET, I then went on to study History and Politics of the Americas at the University College London (UCL) and graduated in 2023. In addition to that, I am currently the Alumni Support Lead at LAET and Chair of the Alumni Board. I plan to innovate the Alumni space so that there is a continuous development of cultural capital beyond the four walls of the School. There is no other Alumni community like LAET’s.

Sophie Eziuloh (2022 Cohort) 

Board Member

My name is Sophie, and I am currently studying law at Royal Holloway after leaving LAET in 2022. I aspire to be a commercial lawyer, which has led me to pursue open days and insight schemes with international law firms to gain a deeper understanding of this area. I am also interested in photography and fashion styling and have worked with friends and professionals, assisting on photo shoots and fashion pickups for artists such as Tems! Being part of the LAET alumni board will allow me to provide insight and suggestions to help students and make their post-sixth form journey a comfortable and successful one. 

Cristallia Alexander (2019 cohort) 

Giving Back to LAET Committee Chair

My name is Cristallia, and I am a Philosophy graduate from Warwick University. I studied Maths, Economics and Psychology at A level, and also partook in the lunchtime philosophy club, which influenced my degree choice. After graduating from university, I went on to pursue a career within the financial sector, first getting an internship in a private equity-focused recruitment consultancy firm and later getting a rotational graduate role within a Swiss private bank. I have since taken on a full-time role with the bank, and I am currently a Junior risk & credit analyst at EFG Private Bank. 


LAET has partnered with Highgate School to create a unique programme of events and experiences to help jump-start your professional development. This includes access to a series of career-specific talks from a range of industries, exclusive internships, mentoring for Alumni, CV & Cover Letter support for applications and an annual networking event.

From left, LAET Alumni/Natixis Scholars Britney & Liban, Obi Onyido, Eduardo Araujo (Targeted Youth Team Manager - Haringey Council), and Krysten Chantrelle as panellists for a Natixis Open Day.